Thursday, April 3, 2008

Healthy Weight Loss - Eat More

If I tell you that very low calories diets cannot work long term, would you believe that “trash”? But if the truth be told, low calories diets are actually quick fixes that eventually lead to weight regain. The first secret to permanent fat loss is to “burn the fat” and “starve the fat”. Some exercise physiologists today, call this concept “energy flux.” A very subtle way of saying, “Eat more, burn more,” (instead of “eat less, exercise less”), and this is what the Burn the Fat philosophy is all about.
The laws of energy balance and thermodynamics state that you have to consume fewer calories than you burn. But this is not any thing near starvation diet. Starvation diet may work in the beginning, because there’s a HUGE calorie deficit at first, but then, the body response puts an end to weight reduction. The body has an inbuilt defensive mechanism.
When the body is malnourished, as is the case with weight loses through starvation program or dieting, the metabolic rate slows down in order to protect the body. This is called “the starvation response.” This puts paid to any further weight lose but where success is recorded, belong long, you notice weight regain because some persons quit dieting.
Starvation or dieting programs for weight lose has the following consequences:
The body releases fewer fat-releasing and fat-burning enzymes such as hormone sensitive lipase and lipoprotein lipase.
The fat cells release less of the hormone leptin, which is the signal that tells your brain you are well fed and not starving (it’s the “anti-starvation” hormone) Fat burning hormones crash, including your levels of T3 which is the active form of thyroid hormone, the important “metabolism-regulating hormone”. Lose of muscle. Muscle is metabolically-active tissue. This means that the muscle takes a lot of energy for keep. “Starving,” means you’re in an “energy crisis”, so muscle becomes nonessential, making your body cannibalize your own lean tissue.
Appetite hormones rage out of control: when you starve, a part of your brain called the hypothalamus switches into high gear and flips the appetite switch, sometimes to the point where you become ravenous and cannot fight these physiological cravings with willpower.
It’s hormonally, metabolically and physiologically impossible to achieve permanent fat loss by starving yourself. And, it is pretty unhealthy thus. In the long run, very low calorie diets can actually make you fatter. This is so because they eventually lead to binge eating and weight re-gain. And then, you end up with less muscle and a slower metabolism than when you started. But this is the gladdening truth. You DON’T have to starve yourself to get a perfect bikini shape body. In fact, you can eat more and burn more fat.

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